I came a little late to the wikipedia party (I wanna say i used it for the first time in 2004), and never really got involved in the editing side. This week, as I've been perusing my blogs, I've run into quite a few articles on wikipedia and wikis in general that I thought worth sharing, and hopefully will spark a conversation about the role of wikis in the library, how we can educate our patrond about using wikis (and about online information literacy in general), and if there are ways we can create or support new efforts such as Digital Universe that try to strike a balance between accuracy and participation.
More Links:
Fact (Vanity Fair): long and highly interesting article about the history of Wikipedia
Meredith Farkas' presentations on Wikis (as well as blogs and other 2.0 technology)
The Infamous Nature article comparing Wikipedia and Britannica's accuracy rates
And last but not least, Wikimania 2006, the event that inspired the story that inspired this post.